Fees and Charges

Freelancerforseo reserves the right to change the fees and charges for services  of platform freelancerforseo.in from time to time, including but not limited to the amount of any charge for a particular Service, the number or type of Services for which a charge will be imposed, or the method or means of calculating charges.

If You are a subscriber to a Service at freelancerforseo, you will be notified as to any changes to fees and charges prior to the effective date of such changes

Fees and Charges for Employers

  •  The employer pays the freelancer and the freelancer pays their service provider.
  •  Freelance payments are made using PayPal or Freelancer's own escrow system.
  •  The fees and charges for employers are non-refundable and vary depending on the type of work.

Fees and Charges for Freelancers

  •   Freelancers only pay for their own domain for the year
  •   Freelancers pay for their own hosting for the year
  •   Freelancers pay a percentage of the amount they make to the administration when they make a payment. This is a flat rate of 10%.